Gene Haas Foundation

Gene Haas Foundation

In 1999 Gene Haas founded the Gene Haas Foundation.  Growing up with a strong social conscience instilled by his family, Haas initially formed the foundation to fund the needs of the local community and other deserving charities. Haas is the owner Haas Automation, Inc., America’s leading builder of CNC machine tools, which he started in 1983. Haas Automation is a now a billion dollar company and this extraordinary growth has all come in an era when American’s were being told that the United States doesn’t manufacture anything anymore.

The Gene Haas Foundation offers scholarships to high schools, community colleges and special educational programs that help build skills within the machining industry.

One of the Gene Haas Foundation’s goals is to introduce students to careers in machine technology and manufacturing by sponsoring educational events, programs and competitions that provide these opportunities.


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